Snoring problems

Effective Snoring Treatments

You may be interested in an oral appliance due to a chief complaint of snoring. The Practice Parameters of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and American Academy of Sleep Dental Sleep Medicine state that a Polysomnogram (sleep test) is needed prior to treatment.


A Polysomnogram may be conducted as overnight sleep test at a sleep center or as a home (portable) sleep study. The sleep physician will help to decide what the most appropriate treatment for you is.

A Polysomnogram will evaluate you sleep to ensure you are recommended the best therapy.

Various sleep disorders include:

  • Insomnias
  • Hypersomnia
  • Sleep-related Breathing
  • Circadian Rhythm Disorders
  • Parasomnias
  • Sleep Movement Disorders

Get the treatment you need

The most common sleep disorder is sleep related breathing which includes Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea. We can help you get the care you need quickly and easily with one call to one of our expert professionals today.

Sleeping illustration

Call Valley Dental Sleep Therapy today to schedule your appointment


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